Background reading
Alongside the books, reports and websites listed in Coping With Pregnancy Loss, the texts below are all resources I drew upon when writing the book. You may find them useful for yourself or your patients (if you are a therapist or healthcare worker). Please note these papers cover issues that are sensitive and may be upsetting – including some of their titles.
Abboud, L., Liamputtong, P., 2005. When pregnancy fails: coping strategies, support networks and experiences with health care of ethnic women and their partners. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 23, 3–18.
Abboud, N.L., Liamputtong, P., 2008. Pregnancy Loss. Social Work in Healthcare 36, 37–62.
Adolfsson, A., 2011. Women’s well-being improves after missed miscarriage with more active support and application of Swanson’s Caring Theory. Psychology research and behavior management 4, 1–9.
Adolfsson, A., Bertero, C., Larsson, P.-G., 2006. Effect of a structured second visit to midwife on women with early miscarriage, a randomized study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 330–335.
Adolfsson, A., Larsson, P.-G., 2010. Applicability of general grief theory to Swedish women’s experience after early miscarriage, with factor analysis of Bonanno’s taxonomy, using the Perinatal Grief Scale. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences 115, 201–209.
Adolfsson, A., Larsson, P.G., Wijma, B., Bertero, C., 2004. Guilt and emptiness:women’s experiences of miscarriage. Health Care for Women International 25, 543–560.
Adolfsson, A., Tullander-Tjörnstrand, K., Larsson, P.-G., 2011. Different management for women with missed miscarriage will change the need for emergency treatment at the gynecological outpatient clinic. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 921–923.
Ahmed, S., Anastasi, E., Laski, L., 2016. Double burden of tragedy: stillbirth and obstetric fistula. The Lancet Global Health 4, e80–e82.
Andersson Ida-Maria, Nilsson Sandra, Adolfsson Annsofie, 2011. How women who have experienced one or more miscarriages manage their feelings and emotions when they become pregnant again – a qualitative interview study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 26, 262–270.
Andersson, I.-M., Christensson, K., Gemzell-Danielsson, K., 2015. Experiences, Feelings and Thoughts of Women Undergoing Second Trimester Medical Termination of Pregnancy. PLOS ONE 9, e115957.
Anonymous., 2016. “No small talk please, my baby’s just died.” BMJ 352.
Arshad, M., Horsfall, A., Yasin, R., 2004. Pregnancy loss-Islamic perspective. British Journal of Midwifery 12, 481–484.
Atienza-Carrasco, J., Linares-Abad, M., Padilla-Ruiz, M., Morales-Gil, I.M., 2018. Breaking bad news to antenatal patients with strategies to lessen the pain: a qualitative study. Reproductive Health 15, 1–11.
Atlas, J., C., 2017. Telling a Story of Stillbirth: Accepting the Limits of Narrative. Survive & Thrive: A Journal for Medical Humanities and Narrative as Medicine 3.
Barr, P., 2010. Guilt- and shame-proneness and the grief of perinatal bereavement. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 77, 493–510.
Bergner, A., Beyer, R., Klapp, B.F., Rauchfuss, M., 2008. Pregnancy after early pregnancy loss: A prospective study of anxiety, depressive symptomatology and coping. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 29, 105–113.
Betts, D., Dahlen, H.G., Smith, C.A., 2014. A search for hope and understanding: An analysis of threatened miscarriage internet forums. Midwifery 30, 650–656.
Beutel, M., Deckardt, R., von Rad, M., Weiner, H., 1995. Grief and Depression After Miscarriage: Their Separation, Antecedents, and Course. Psychosomatic Medicine 57.
Beutel, M., Willner, H., Deckardt, R., Von Rad, M., Weiner, H., 1996. Similarities and differences in couples’ grief reactions following a miscarriage: Results from a longitudinal study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 40, 245–253.
Black, R.B., 1991. Women’s voices after pregnancy loss: couples’ patterns of communication and support. Social Work in Healthcare 16, 19–36.
Blencowe, H., Cousens, S., Jassir, F.B., Say, L., Chou, D., Mathers, C., Hogan, D., Shiekh, S., Qureshi, Z.U., You, D., Lawn, J.E., 2016. National, regional, and worldwide estimates of stillbirth rates in 2015, with trends from 2000: a systematic analysis. The Lancet Global Health 4, e98–e108.
Bonnette, S., Broom, A., 2011. On grief, fathering and the male role in men’s accounts of stillbirth. Journal of Sociology 48, 248–265.
Boyle, F.M., Mutch, A.J., Barber, E.A., Carroll, C., Dean, J.H., 2015. Supporting parents following pregnancy loss: a cross-sectional study of telephone peer supporters. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 15, 291.
Boynton, P.M. 2015. Miscarriage: You don’t have to be strong for me. The Lancet 358, 222-223.
Breeze, A.C.G., Statham, H., Hackett, G.A., Jessop, F.A., Lees, C.C., 2012. Perinatal Postmortems: What Is Important to Parents and How Do They Decide? Birth 39, 57–64.
Breeze, A.C.G., Statham, H., Hackett, G.A., Jessop, F.A., Lees, C.C., 2011. Attitudes to perinatal postmortem: parental views about research participation. J Med Ethics 37, 364.
Brier, N., 2004. Anxiety After Miscarriage: A Review of the Empirical Literature and Implications for Clinical Practice. Birth 31, 138–142.
Brier, N., n.d. Grief Following Miscarriage: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature. Journal of Women’s Health 17, 451–464.
Broen, A.N., Moum, T., Bødtker, A.S., Ekeberg, Ø., 2005. The course of mental health after miscarriage and induced abortion: a longitudinal, five-year follow-up study. BMC Medicine 3, 18.
Budd, J., Stacey, T., Martin, B., Roberts, D., Heazell, A.E.P., 2018. Women’s experiences of being invited to participate in a case-control study of stillbirth – findings from the Midlands and North of England Stillbirth Study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 18, 317.
Cacciatore, J., 2007. Effects of Support Groups on Post Traumatic Stress Responses in Women Experiencing Stillbirth. Omega (Westport) 55, 71–90.
Caelli Kate, Downie Jill, Letendre Angeline, 2002. Parents’ experiences of midwife-managed care following the loss of a baby in a previous pregnancy. Journal of Advanced Nursing 39, 127–136.
Callister, L.C., 2006. Perinatal Loss: A Family Perspective. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 20.
Cameron, J., Taylor, J., Greene, A., 2008. Representations of rituals and care in perinatal death in British midwifery textbooks 1937–2004. Midwifery 24, 335–343.
Campbell-Jackson, L., Bezance, J., Horsch, A., 2014. “A renewed sense of purpose”: Mothers’ and fathers’ experience of having a child following a recent stillbirth. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 14, 423.
Canadian Paediatric Society, 2001. Guidelines for health care professionals supporting families experiencing a perinatal loss. Paediatrics & Child Health 6, 469–477.
Catlin, A., 2018. Interdisciplinary Guidelines for Care of Women Presenting to the Emergency Department With Pregnancy Loss. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing 43.
Catlin, A., 2017. Creation of interdisciplinary guidelines for care of women presenting to the emergency department with pregnancy loss. Journal Of Perinatology 37, 757.
Cecil, R., 1994a. Miscarriage: Women’s views of care. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 12, 21–29.
Cecil, R., 1994b. “I wouldn’t have minded a wee one running about”: Miscarriage and the family. Social Science & Medicine 38, 1415–1422.
Child Bereavement UK, 2018. Explaining miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of a newborn baby to young children.
Conway Kim, Russell Graeme, 2011. Couples’ grief and experience of support in the aftermath of miscarriage. British Journal of Medical Psychology 73, 531–545.
Corbet-Owen, C., 2003. Women’s Perceptions of Partner Support in the Context of Pregnancy Loss(es). South African Journal of Psychology 33, 19–27.
Cordle, C.J., Prettyman, R.J., 1994. A 2-year follow-up of women who have experienced early miscarriage. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 12, 37–43.
Craven, C., Peel, E., 2017. Queering reproductive loss: Exploring grief and memorialization. in: Interrogating Pregnancy Loss: Feminist Writings on Abortion, Miscarriage, and Stillbirth. Demeter Press, Ontario. 225–245.
Cumming GP, Klein S, Bolsover D, Lee AJ, Alexander DA, Maclean M, Jurgens JD, 2007. The emotional burden of miscarriage for women and their partners: trajectories of anxiety and depression over 13 months. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 114, 1138–1145.
Daly, S.F., Harte, L., O’beirne, E., McGee, H., Turner, M.J., 1996. Does miscarriage affect the father? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 16, 260–261.
Darney, B.G., Weaver, M.R., Stevens, N., Kimball, J., Prager, S.W., 2013a. The Family Medicine Residency Training Initiative in Miscarriage Management: Impact on Practice in Washington State. Family medicine 45, 102–108.
Darney, B.G., Weaver, M.R., VanDerhei, D., Stevens, N.G., Prager, S.W., 2013b. “One of those areas that people avoid” a qualitative study of implementation in miscarriage management. BMC Health Services Research 13, 123–123.
Dellicour, S., Desai, M., Mason, L., Odidi, B., Aol, G., Phillips-Howard, P.A., Laserson, K.F., ter Kuile, F.O., 2013. Exploring Risk Perception and Attitudes to Miscarriage and Congenital Anomaly in Rural Western Kenya. PLoS ONE 8, e80551.
Druguet, M., Nuño, L., Rodó, C., Arévalo, S., Carreras Moratonas, E., Gómez-Benito, J., 2017. Influence of farewell rituals and psychological vulnerability on grief following perinatal loss in monochorionic twin pregnancy. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 1–3.
Due, C., Chiarolli, S., Riggs, D.W., 2017. The impact of pregnancy loss on men’s health and wellbeing: a systematic review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 17, 380.
ESHRE Early Pregnancy Guideline Development Group, 2017. Recurrent pregnancy loss: Guideline of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.
Evans, J., 2016. ‘They are called Imperfect Men’: Male Infertility and Sexual Health in Early Modern England. Social History of Medicine 29, 311–332.
Evans, J., Read, S., 2014. “Before midnight she had miscarried”: Women, Men, and Miscarriage in Early Modern England. Journal of Family History 40, 3–23.
Evans, R., 2012. Emotional care for women who experience miscarriage. Nursing Standard 26, 35–41.
Fairchild, J.L., Arrington, M.I., 2012. Depictions of Husbands in Miscarriage Accounts. Illness, Crisis & Loss 20, 363–373.
Farren, J., Jalmbrant, M., Ameye, L., Joash, K., Mitchell-Jones, N., Tapp, S., Timmerman, D., Bourne, T., 2016. Post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression following miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 6.
Fetus and Newborn Committee, 2001. Guidelines for health care professionals supporting families experiencing a perinatal loss. Paediatrics & Child Health 6, 469–477.
Fetus and Newborn Committee, 1983. Support for parents experiencing perinatal loss. Canadian Medical Association Journal 129, 335–339.
Frost, M., Condon, J.T., 1996. The Psychological Sequelae of Miscarriage: A Critical Review of the Literature. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 30, 54–62.
Gardner, C., 2015. Medicine’s uncanny valley: the problem of standardising empathy. The Lancet 386, 1032–1033.
Garel, M., Blondel, B., Lelong, N., Bonenfant, S., Kaminski, M., 1994. Long-term consequences of miscarriage: the depressive disorders and the following pregnancy. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 12, 233–240.
Gavino, K., 2003. “A Horrible Place for a Miscarriage”: Nurses’ Experiences of Caring for Women in the Emergency Department. University of British Columbia.
Geller, P.A., Kerns, D., Klier, C.M., 2004. Anxiety following miscarriage and the subsequent pregnancy. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56, 35–45.
Gold, K.J., Sen, A., Hayward, R.A., 2010. Marriage and Cohabitation Outcomes After Pregnancy Loss. Pediatrics 125, e1202.
Gong, X., Hao, J., Tao, F., Zhang, J., Wang, H., Xu, R., 2013. Pregnancy loss and anxiety and depression during subsequent pregnancies: data from the C-ABC study. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 166, 30–36.
Graham, C.A., Mercer, C.H., Tanton, C., Jones, K.G., Johnson, A.M., Wellings, K., Mitchell, K.R., 2017. What factors are associated with reporting lacking interest in sex and how do these vary by gender? Findings from the third British national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles. BMJ Open 7.
Gravensteen, I.K., Jacobsen, E.-M., Sandset, P.M., Helgadottir, L.B., Rådestad, I., Sandvik, L., Ekeberg, Ø., 2018. Anxiety, depression and relationship satisfaction in the pregnancy following stillbirth and after the birth of a live-born baby: a prospective study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 18, 41.
Habayeb, O.M.H., Konje, J.C., 2004. The one-stop recurrent miscarriage clinic: an evaluation of its effectiveness and outcome. Human Reproduction 19, 2952–2958.
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Hennegan, J.M., Henderson, J., Redshaw, M., 2018. Is partners’ mental health and well-being affected by holding the baby after stillbirth? Mothers’ accounts from a national survey. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 36, 120–131.
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Horstman, H.K., Holman, A., 2018. Communicated Sense-making After Miscarriage: A Dyadic Analysis of Spousal Communicated Perspective-Taking, Well-being, and Parenting Role Salience. Health Communication 33, 1317–1326.
Huffman, C.S., Schwartz, T.A., Swanson, K.M., 2015. Couples and Miscarriage: The Influence of Gender and Reproductive Factors on the Impact of Miscarriage. Women’s Health Issues 25, 570–578.
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